Project: UltiStudent




Hi there! I am Shi Mei, a Year 2 Undergraduate studying in National University of Singapore (NUS) Computer Science.

The purpose of this portfolio is to document my contributions to UltiStudent, a software engineering project under CS2103T Software Engineering module in NUS.

This project (UltiStudent) would not be possible without my amazing team mates: Andrew, Benjamin, and Xavier.

1. Overview of UltiStudent

UltiStudent is a student application that effectively tackles the problem of having too many applications to manage their school life. To improve the quality of student life in computing, UltiStudent provides a centralised platform for them to manage their homework, cumulative average point (CAP) and notes.

Main Features of UltiStudent:

  • Keep track of your deadlines from various modules (Homework Manager)

  • Easy creation of digital notes (Notes Manager)

  • Projection and Prediction of CAP (CAP Manager)

…​without leaving the application!

2. Summary of contributions

This section is to provide a summary of my contributions to the project.

My main contribution for UltiStudent is the creation of the Notes Manager.

The photo below shows the homepage of the Notes Manager.

UI notes manager

Notes Manager allows users of UltiStudent to: Add and delete notes, save and edit the content of their notes, find notes easily, list all their notes.

I was in charge of Add, Delete, Find, and List note commands.

  • Major enhancement: Developed the logic, storage, and model components of the Notes Manager infrastructure.

    • What it does: allows the user to create and delete notes from the Notes Manager.

    • Justification: The ability to create notes depends on the Notes Manager infrastructure. This improves the product significantly by allowing the addition of other features such as Find, List, Edit, and Save.

    • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added to the Notes Manager in the future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Find note command that lists all notes whose note name has the keywords indicated by the user.

    • List note command that lists all notes in the Notes Manager.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3 on GitHub

      • Handled submission requirements for v1.3

      • Set up project configuration: #4

    • Documentation:

      • Updated contents of About Us and Contact Us page: #9

      • Updated the User Guide and Developer Guide

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed: On average, one PR was reviewed every two weeks. #175, #164, #163, #96, #61

      • Contributed to forum discussions: #46: Raised checkstyle issues which is experienced by others as well.

      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (#115, #112, #110, #106, #98, #94, #91)

    • Tools

      • Integrated Coveralls for the team repo

3. Contributions to the User Guide

This section is to showcase my main contribution to the User Guide, and highlight my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

3.1. Adding a note : add-note

Imagine yourself sitting in CS2103T Week 7 lecture, and the Professor have just covered an important concept which you would like to take some notes on. Let Notes Manager handle that for you by storing your notes digitally for you!

To use this command we have to follow this format: add-note mc/MODULECODE n/NOTENAME

First, we will need to be in the Note Manager. To open Notes Manager, enter open Notes Manager into the Command Box (red). You will see the Result Box (green) prompting that the Notes Mananger is opened.

UI notes manager

In this case, we need to add a new note. We will need to enter the following command into the Command Box: add-note mc/CS2103T n/Week 7 Lecture.

UI add notes

The new note will be added to the bottom of the list.

Notes Manager can only accept alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), and note names cannot begin with a whitespace.

3.2. Deleting a Note: delete-note

Format: delete-note

As the semester comes to an end, we would like to clean up the notes by removing some of the notes which we no longer need. Here’s where delete-note comes in handy!

To use this command we have to follow this format: delete-note INDEX. This will delete the note at the specified index. The index must be a positive integer (1, 2, 3,…​) and it must refer to an existing index number shown in the displayed Notes List.

Say, we would like to delete the note we added from CS2103T Week 7 Lecture. It has an index of 12 in the list.

As such, we will need to enter the following command: delete-note 12.

UI delete notes

Viola! The note is deleted.

4. Contributions to the Developer Guide

This section is to showcase the technical depth of my contribution to UltiStudent, and highlight my ability to write technical documentation targeting developers.

4.1. Adding a note : add-note

The add homework feature is a core feature to the Homework Manager of UltiStudent. Which allows the users to create a homework object in UltiStudent.

4.1.1. Overview

The add note add-note mechanism is facilitated by AddNoteCommand and AddNoteCommandParser. It takes in the following input from the user: ModuleCode and NoteName which will construct individual objects that construct a Note object.

The AddNoteCommandParser implements Parser with the following operation:

  • AddNoteCommandParser#parse() - This operation will take in a String input from the user that will create individual objects based on the prefixes 'mc/' and 'n/'. The String value after the individual prefixes will create the respective object: 'mc/' for ModuleCode and 'n/' for NoteName. A validation check will be imposed upon the creation of each object. Any checks that fails the validation would prompt the user on the failed component.

For example:

  • ModuleCode would use ParserUtil#parseNoteModuleCode to ensure that user has input 2 letters followed by 4 digits with an option to include a optional letter after the 4 digits.

  • NoteName would use ParserUtil#parseNoteName to ensure that note name is not a null.

    • After validation checks are completed with no errors, a Note object is then constructed with ModuleCode and NoteName.

    • AddNoteCommandParser would then return a AddNoteCommand object with the Note as the parameter

4.1.2. Example

Given below is an example usage scenario of how add-note mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user executes `add-note mc/CS2103T n/Week 1 Lecture to add a note for CS2103T Week 1 Lecture.

Step 2: LogicManager would use UltiStudentParser#parse() to parse the input from the user.

Step 3: UltiStudentParser would determine which command is being used and creates the respective parser. In this case, AddNoteCommandParser is being created and the user’s input would be pass in as a parameter.

Step 4: AddNoteCommandParser would do a validation check on the user’s input before creating and returning a AddNoteCommand object with Note as the parameter.

Step 5: LogicManager would use AddNoteCommand#execute() to add the ModuleCode and Note into the Model which is handled by ModelManager

Step 6: AddNoteCommand would return a CommandResult to the LogicManager which would then be return back to the user.

The image below illustrates the scenario of when the user executes add-hw mc/CS1101S hw/Tutorial 1 d/01/05/2019:

Figure 1. Sequential Diagram for add-note

4.2. Deleting a note : delete-note

This feature allows the user to delete a note from the homework manager through its index.

The delete note feature is facilitated by the DeleteNoteCommandParser and the DeleteNoteCommand.

The delete command is part of the logic component of our application. It interacts with the model and the storage components of our application.

4.2.1. Overview

The DeleteNoteCommandParser implements Parser with the following operation:

  • DeleteNoteCommandParser#parse() - This operation will take in a int input from the user which will delete the note entry at the index which has entered. Any invalid format of the command will be prompted by the command parser.

4.2.2. Current Implementation

The delete note feature is executed by the DeleteNoteCommand. Currently, the deletion of any note entry is done based on the INDEX of the note entry.

During the design of our delete function, we considered between two alternatives.

Description of Implementation Pros and Cons

Deletion by Index (Current Choice)

Pros: Since each note has a unique index within each list, deleting a note by its index is less prone to bugs and will be easier to implement.

Cons: User will need to scroll for the entry and look for its index which can be inconvenient.

Deletion by Homework Name

Pros: It may be more intuitive for users to delete a note through its note name.

Cons: Notes for different modules can have similar names. For example, two different note entries for two different modules can be called 'Week 7 Lecture'. This may cause it to be more error-prone.

We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it reduces the number of potential bugs and the complexities involved when taking into account the different cases upon using deletion by note name.